日本原装进口厚皮甜瓜品种。生长势中等、细蔓、节间距离大,叶色浓绿色且叶大,子蔓硬,耐白粉病性、耐湿性极好果实为黄色的高球型,果重1.5kg左右,为 市场性高,极博好评的品种。果肉绿色,厚达3.5-4.0cm左右,糖度稳定在16-18度,肉汁多,肉质较脆,香甜可口。成熟日数为50天左右的中熟品种,裂果极少, 贮藏性好。
IMported from Japan Medium vigorous, thin vine with long knots.Big and dark green leaves, hard branches.Tolerant to powdery mildew and humidity.Yellow and global in shape, weighing about 1.5 kg.Good marketablity and comments.Green flesh, 3.5cm thick with sweetness of 16%- 18%.Juicy, crisp and sweet in taste.Medium, 50 maturity days after flowering.Not easy to crack and good for storage.