英宝利系列功能性肥料是特殊的。 除了为作物提供全面和均衡的营养功能外,它还在促进作物生长方面发挥着独特的作用。 1.持续有效地改善根系土壤环境; 2.促进根系数量的显着增加,修复损伤根系,使根系保持旺盛的生命力; 3.能调节作物代谢水平,促进作物平衡生长; 4.提高作物的抗逆性和抗病性,避免作物“亚健康”生长; 5.提高养分利用率,增强肥效,大幅度延长肥效期; 6.整合多种功能,促进作物产量持续增长和改善商品质量。
iury series of functional fertilizers are unique.inaddition to providing a comprehensive and balanced nutritional function forcrops, it also plays a unique role in promoting crop growth. 1. continuouslyand effectively improve the root soil environment; 2. promote a significantincrease in the number of root systems, and repair damaged root systems, sothat the root system can maintain strong vitality; 3. regulate the level ofcrop metabolism, promote balanced growth of cro 4. promote the strongresilience and disease resistance of outbreaks, avoid th